Molendinar Family Learning Centre

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Supporting Chidlren who Require Additonal Support for Learning
You are here: Our Curriculum > Supporting Chidlren who Require Additonal Support for Learning

You or your child’s keyworker may be aware that your child has difficulties in some areas of development.  Either way we can work together to help overcome any challenges.  Occasionally it may be helpful to involve another professional’ such as a speech therapist or educational psychologist, but would be fully discussed with parents and consent obtained before a referral could be made should this seem the best way forward.  If you have any concerns about your child at all please feel free to arrange an appointment with his/her key worker.



In any circumstances it is you who knows your own child best and is the primary educator.  It is helpful for staff to be made aware of children’s preferences, interests and experiences at home so that they can build upon that.   Similarly, you will be kept informed (by notice, newsletter, letters and displays as well as through conversation) of what your child has been doing and learning here and, of course, learning is much enhanced if it is reinforced at home too.  Consistency is the key to effectiveness, especially in matters of behaviour, so let’s work as a team to enable your child to make the most of his/her time here.



In nursery there are various groups that you may be asked to join, for example:

  • ASN Group - this involves a number of programmes to support families that require specific support e.g. Sleep Scotland, Home Routines, Cooking Classes and Well-Being.
  • Fundraising – parents are asked to help in all aspects of fundraising
  • Molendinar Family Learning Centre has recently delivered a number of PDA courses in conjunction with Love Learning Scotland.